Dental Cleanings for Kids

Healthy baby teeth are important so children can speak and chew properly. We make sure that your child gets special attention in a caring child friendly dental office.

Depending on your child’s age, cleanings include brushing and flossing the teeth and gently polishing them with fluoride toothpaste. During the dental exam in Plainfield, IL, your dentist checks for many things including the strength of the teeth, the health of the gums, how the child bites, and problematic oral conditions.

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Child Dentistry in Plainfield, IL

Our office in Plainfield, IL will educate both our child patients and their parents about the proper methods for caring for little teeth and gums. We help our patients understand how different foods and drinks affect the health of their teeth as well as many other tips that promote optimal oral health.

Schedule an Appointment!

We are excited to see you and your family at our state-of-the-art dental office in Plainfield!


the AFD Team

Ahoyt Family Dental Ahoyt in Plainfield, IL Logo Ahoyt Family Dental Near Shorewood, IL
13717 South US 30, Suite 129 Plainfield IL 60544
1-815-676-0244 USD Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, Most Dental Insurance Plans, CareCredit, Lending Club Patient Solutions, Prosper Healthcare Lending
Dr. Justin Ahoyt Doctor
Dr. Dennis Morrin Doctor
Dr. John Gordon, Jr. Doctor