We strive to provide excellent dental care in a friendly environment to the families of Plainfield, IL because every healthy body needs a healthy mouth.
For individuals with discolored teeth, we offer take-home whitening kits. They are a safe option to restore a radiant, white smile.
Veneers are thin porcelain shells used to cover chipped, stained, or misaligned teeth. The thin layers of the veneer material adhere to natural tooth enamel to create a strong, long-lasting bond.
Invisalign® is an orthodontic treatment that uses removable alignment trays to straighten teeth near Plainfield, IL.
A dental crown or cap is a tooth-shaped cover that is placed over a weakened or damaged tooth to restore its natural appearance and prevent further deterioration.
Complete and update your patient forms from the comfort of your home and ensure that we get the most up-to-date information. Everything you submit is encrypted for your protection and goes straight to Ahoyt Family Dental in Plainfield, IL.
We strive to provide excellent dental care in a friendly environment to the families of Plainfield, IL because every healthy body needs a healthy mouth.
We are excited to see you and your family at our state-of-the-art dental office in Plainfield!
the AFD Team