Space Maintainers

Healthy baby teeth are important so children can speak and chew properly. We make sure that your child gets special attention in a caring child friendly dental office.

Sometimes a child may lose a tooth before their adult teeth are ready to grow in. It may not seem like a problem at the moment, but it can lead to more problems if not maintained properly. Your dentist in Plainfield, IL can place a space maintainer in your child’s mouth to ensure that their adult teeth will grow in properly.

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What Is a Space Maintainer?

A space maintainer is a device used to leave enough space open for permanent teeth to grow in after baby teeth are lost prematurely. Not taking care of a gap can lead to expensive problems down the road. Many reasons lead to premature loss of baby teeth including, trauma, accidents, or tooth decay. Depending on your child’s situation, your dentist will recommend a different type of space maintainer.

Are Space Maintainers Necessary?

One important function of a baby tooth is to reserve space for the adult tooth. If a baby tooth falls out prematurely or is extracted as a result of severe decay and abscess, the empty space may cause adult teeth to become crooked as they grow in. If your child has lost a tooth, consult with your dentist to see if your child needs a space maintainer.

Schedule an Appointment!

We are excited to see you and your family at our state-of-the-art dental office in Plainfield!


the AFD Team

Ahoyt Family Dental Ahoyt in Plainfield, IL Logo Ahoyt Family Dental Near Shorewood, IL
13717 South US 30, Suite 129 Plainfield IL 60544
1-815-676-0244 USD Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, Most Dental Insurance Plans, CareCredit, Lending Club Patient Solutions, Prosper Healthcare Lending
Dr. Justin Ahoyt Doctor
Dr. Dennis Morrin Doctor
Dr. John Gordon, Jr. Doctor