Invisalign in Plainfield, IL

A trendy, modern alternative to metal brackets and wires.

Don't Put Your Life on Hold!

The decision to straighten your teeth in Plainfield, IL affects not only the appearance of your smile, but your lifestyle as well. As an adult, you may wish to enhance your smile for business or social interactions. Or, perhaps you’re a teen looking for a trendy, modern alternative to metal brackets and wires. Invisalign® for teens and adults allows you to enjoy all the benefits of straight teeth without putting your lifestyle on hold.

Invisible braces near Plainfield, IL

High Quality Invisible braces in Plainfield, IL

How Does It Work?

Invisalign® is an orthodontic treatment that uses removable alignment trays to straighten teeth. Your dentist will fit you with custom-designed aligners that slowly shift your teeth into the desired position. Every few weeks, you will receive a new set of aligners until your teeth are perfectly aligned. Schedule a dental consultation with Ahoyt Family Dental in Plainfield, IL to find out if Invisalign® is right for you!

Watch to Learn More on the Process:

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5 Advantages of Invisalign® Over Traditional Braces!

Schedule an Appointment!

We are excited to see you and your family at our state-of-the-art dental office in Plainfield!


the AFD Team

Ahoyt Family Dental Ahoyt in Plainfield, IL Logo Ahoyt Family Dental Near Shorewood, IL
13717 South US 30, Suite 129 Plainfield IL 60544
1-815-676-0244 USD Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, Most Dental Insurance Plans, CareCredit, Lending Club Patient Solutions, Prosper Healthcare Lending
Dr. Justin Ahoyt Doctor
Dr. Dennis Morrin Doctor
Dr. John Gordon, Jr. Doctor